Our bodies were designed to carry blood-- vessels, tissue, skin. Sometimes, we become damaged. A scrape; a cut; an open wound. And with each beat of the heart, the blood is forced out, escaping to the surface. With each push from within, it spills out. It begins a mess. In the same way, our bodies were designed to carry love-- a heart, a mind, a soul. And often, we become damaged. Words and actions grate against our weakest spots. A scrape; a cut; a wound. And with each beat of the heart, the love is forced out-- hate escaping to the surface. With each push from within, it spills out. It begins a mess.
But because real love always triumphs, we bandage ourselves up and go about the business of fixing whatever we can. Like the body heals itself and restores what it has lost, we heal ourselves... embarking on a journey of eventually restoring what we, too, have lost.